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13 The end of the gang
| 13 盗窃团伙的末日
The sun burst upon the crowded city in all its brightness.It lit up every corner of London,the great houses of the rich,and the miserable homes of the poor.Its hone everywhere,even into the room where the murdered woman lay.The horror of that scene was even more dreadful in the clear morning light.
| 喷薄而出的太阳悬挂在这座拥挤的城市的上空,光芒四射,它照亮了伦敦的每一个角落,照亮了有钱人家的宅院,也照亮了穷人家的陋室。它把每一处都照亮了,也照进了被杀害了的女人横尸的房间。可怕的场面在清晰的晨光下显得更加令人毛骨悚然。
Sikes sat the re,unable to move,looking at the body.He had thrown the blood-covered stick into the fire,the n washed himself and his clothe s.He had cut out the bits of his clothes that were stained and burnt the m too,but the re were still bloodstains all over the floor.Even the dog’s feet were bloody.
| 赛克斯坐在那里看着眼前的死尸,动弹不得。他已把沾满了血迹的木棍丢进了炉火里,然后擦洗了自己,洗净了衣服。他将衣服上溅上血的部分也撕下来烧掉了,即便是这样,地上还有一片片血迹,就连狗爪子上也满是血污。
Finally,he forced himself to leave the room,pulling the dog out with him and locking the door behind him.He walked rapidly north,towards High gate,the n on to Hampstead.On the open land of Hampstead Heath,away from people and houses,he found a place in a field where he could sleep with out being disturbed.
| 最后,他强迫自己离开了这屋子,拉出了狗,将房门上了锁。他快速往北面走,朝着海格特墓地,然后又走向汉普斯泰德,在汉普斯泰德荒原空阔的野地里,远离人群和房屋的地方,他找到了一个能够不受惊扰睡一觉的地方。
But before long he was up again and running.This time heran back towards London for a while.The n he turned and went north again,sometimes walking,sometimes running,with no clear purpose in his mind.Eventually,he felt hungry,and changed direction towards Hendon,a quiet place away from the crowds,where he could buy food.But even the children and chickens the re seemed to look at him with suspicion.So he turned back towards Hampstead Heath again,without having eaten,uncertain where to go.
| 可没多一会儿他就起来了,拔腿就跑。这一次他先是回头向伦敦方向跑去,没跑出多远又折回来向北,跑跑停停,心里没有一个明确的目的地。最后他感觉到肚子饿了,又掉转方向朝亨顿走去。这是个人不多的僻静的小地方,他可以在这儿买点东西吃。可是,连这里的孩子和鸡都好像在怀疑地看着他,所以他什么也没吃,又转身朝汉普斯泰德荒原走去,心里还是不知该往哪儿去。
At last he turned north again,his dog still running at his heels,and set off to a village just outside London.He stopped at a small,quiet pub and bought a meal,the n went on again.It was now dark and as he continued walking,he felt as if Nancy were following him,her shadow on the road,her last low cry in the wind.If he stopped,the ghostly figure did the same.If he ran,it ran too,moving stiffly,like a corpse.Sometimes he turned,determined to drive the ghost away,but his blood ran cold with terror.Every time he turned,the ghost turned too,and was still behind him.
| 最终他又朝北部,朝伦敦边上的一个村子走去,他的那条狗还一直跟在他的脚后。他到一个安静的小酒馆里买了点东西吃,紧接着又往前走。这时天已渐渐黑了下来,他继续走着,总觉得南希好像跟在他的身后,她的影子就在路上,她最后那一声低叫随风响着。他若停住脚步,这个鬼影也就停了下来。他若快走几步,这个影子也跟着一路小跑,像死尸一样僵硬地移动着。他有时转过身去想赶走这个影子,但他竟然恐惧得连浑身的血液都凝固住了。他每一次转身,这个鬼魂也跟着他一起转,老是在他的身后。
Finally,he found another field where he could hide.He lay down,unable to sleep,his mind filled with visions of the dead girl.Her wide,dead eyes stared at him,watching him through a curtain of blood.
| 最后,他终于找到了能藏身的又一片野地,躺了下去,可是睡不着,满脑子都是这个死了的女孩的形象。她那死气沉沉的大眼睛盯着他,在一道血帘子后面看着他。
Suddenly he heard shouting in the distance.He jumped to his feet and saw that the sky seemed on fire.Sheets of flame shot into the air,driving clouds of smoke in his direction.He heard an alarm bell,and more shouts of ‘Fire!’Running with his dog across the fields,he joined the crowds of men and women fighting the fire.He could forget his own terror in this new danger,and he worked all night with the crowd,shouting,running and working togethe r to stop the flames destroying more buildings.
| 他突然听见远处的叫喊声,便一跃而起,看见天空好像着了火。一片片火舌喷向空中,翻滚的浓烟朝他这边刮来。他听见了报警的铃声,还有更多的人喊叫着:“火!”他带着他的狗跑过了这片野地,也加入到了这群救火的男男女女中。在眼前的新危险中,他可以忘了自己的恐惧。整整一个晚上,他都和这群人一起叫喊着,跑着,一起奋力地灭火,以免大火毁坏更多的房屋。
In the morning the mad excitement was over,and the dreadful memory of his crime returned-more terrifying than ever.In desperation,he decided to go back to London.
| 天亮了,这种疯狂的激情消失了,他犯下的可怖罪行的回忆却回来了——比以前更加可怕。在绝望中,他决定还是回伦敦去。
‘At least the re’ll be somebody I can speak to,’he thought to himself. ‘And it’s a better hiding-place than out here in the country.I’ll hide the re for a week,get some money out of Fagin,the n escape to France.’
| “起码,在那里我还有能说说话的人。”他心想。“那儿是个比乡间更好的藏身的地方。我要在那儿躲一个星期,想法从费金那儿弄点钱来,然后再逃到法国去。”
Suddenly he remembered the dog-people would be looking for his dog as well as himself.He decided to drown the animal.But the dog smelt the man’s fear,and turned and ran away from him faster than it had ever run in its life. ‘You have a choice,Mr Monks,’said Mr Brown low . ‘You have been kidnapped and brought here to my house.You can either tell me what I want to know,or I’ll have you arrested,instantly,for fraud and robbery.It’s your choice.And you must decide now.At once.’
| 他突然想到了他的狗——人们现在不但在找他,而且可能在找他的狗。他决定把这畜生溺死。可这狗察觉出了主人的惧怕心理,转过身以它平生最快的速度跑开了。“蒙克斯先生,你面临着一个选择。”布朗洛先生说。“你是被劫持到我家里来的,你得告诉我我要知道的事,否则我会立刻让警方拘捕你,罪名是诈骗和盗窃。你可以作出选择,但必须马上决定,立刻。”
Monks hesitated and looked at the old man,but Mr Brown low ‘s expression was so serious and determined that The younger man realized it was pointless to protest. ‘I didn’t expect this treatment from my father’s oldest friend,’said Monks angrily,sitting down with a frown on his face.
| 蒙克斯犹豫了一下,看着这老人,但布朗洛先生的神色非常严肃和坚定,年轻人意识到争辩是没有用的。“我没料到我父亲交情最深的老朋友会这样对待我。”蒙克斯愤怒地说着,紧皱眉头坐了下来。
‘Yes,I was your father’s oldest friend,’said Mr Brown low . ‘And I know all about you-how your father,while still a boy,was forced by his family into an unhappy marriage with an older woman,and how you were the result of that marriage.I also know that your parents separated,hating each other by the end.’
| “不错,我曾是你父亲交情最深的老朋友。”布朗洛先生说,“你的什么事我都知道——当你的父亲还是个小伙子时,他是怎样在家庭的逼迫下与一个比他大的女人结了婚,造成了这桩不幸的婚姻;后来你又是怎样成了这一婚姻的产物。另外我也知道你父母亲后来又分居了,那时他们已到了互相憎恨的地步。”
‘Well-what’s so important about that?’
| “那么——这有什么要紧的呢?”
‘When They’d been separated for ten years,’said Mr Brown low , ‘your father met another family.The re were two daughters,one nineteen years old and the other only two or three.Your father became engaged to the older daughter.At this point one of his rich relations died and left him a lot of money in his will.Your father had to travel to Italy to receive his inheritance,and while the re,he became ill and died.Your mother,who was living with you in Paris,immediately rushed to Italy when she heard the news.As your father had made no will of his own,all the relation’s money came to you and her.’
| “他们分居十年以后,”布朗洛先生说,“你的父亲又遇到了另一家人,这家有两个女儿,一个当时十九岁,而另一个只有两三岁。你父亲和这家的大女儿订了婚。就在这当口,他的一个有钱的亲戚死了,在遗嘱上给他留下了一大笔钱财。你父亲必须到意大利去接受这笔遗产。可他却在那儿患了病,死在了那个地方。你的母亲和你当时住在巴黎,她得知了你父亲的死讯,匆匆赶到了意大利。由于他没有立遗嘱,他亲戚留给他的那一份钱就都归你和你母亲所有了。”
Monks listened with close attention,biting his lip and staring at the floor.
| 蒙克斯聚精会神地听着,咬着嘴唇,眼睛盯着地板。
‘Before your father went to receive that money,he came to see me,’continued Mr Brown low slowly,his eyes fixed on Monks’face.‘I never heard that before,’said Monks,looking up suddenly,a suspicious expression on his face.
| “你父亲去接受那笔钱之前,来看过我。”布朗洛先生盯着蒙克斯的脸,继续慢慢地说。
‘He left me a picture of the poor girl he wanted to marry.He talked wildly about shame and guilt,and how he would give part of the money he’d inherited to his wife and to you,and use the rest to escape from England with the girl he loved.He refused to tell me any more details.’
| “他给我留下了一张他要娶的那个可怜女孩的画像。他疯了似地说了许多感到耻辱和内疚的话,还说要把继承来的钱一部分给他的妻子和你,用其余的钱与他心爱的姑娘一起逃出英国。除了这些,他不愿跟我说得再详细了。”
Monks breathe d more easily,and even smiled.
| 蒙克斯稍微轻松些地呼吸着,脸上甚至现出了笑容。
‘But,’said Mr Brown low ,pulling his chair nearer to the other man, ‘by chance I was able to rescue your brother Oliver from a life of misery and—’
| “可是,”布朗洛先生说着,把椅子朝对方身边拉了拉。“碰巧的是,我又从悲惨的生活中搭救了你的弟弟奥利弗——”
‘What!’cried Monks.
| “什么?”蒙克斯叫道。
Mr Brown low continued without a pause. ‘And when he was recovering from his sickness here in my house,I noticed how similar he looked to the girl’s face in the picture.But he was taken away before I could discover his history-as you know very well.’
| 布朗洛先生停也不停,继续说:“当他在我家里养病时,我发现他与像上的女人长得是那样相似。可没等我弄清他的历史,他又被弄走了——这些你都很清楚。”
‘You can’t prove anything!’said Monks.
| “你不能证实任何事情!”蒙克斯说。
‘I can.I heard that you were in the West Indies.I went the re to try and find you to see if you knew anything about Oliver,but you’d already left.I returned to London,and was unable to find you until two hours ago.’
| “我当然能。我听说你在西印度群岛,就到那里试图找到你,看你是否知道有关奥利弗的事,可那时你已离开了。我又回到了伦敦,直到两小时之前才终于找到你。”
‘And now what?You can’t prove that Oliver’s my brother.’Monks smiled unpleasantly.
| “可现在又怎么样?你不能证实奥利弗就是我的弟弟。”蒙克斯不怀好意地咧嘴笑了笑。
‘I couldn’t before,’said Mr Brown low ,standing up. ‘But now I can.The re was a will,but your mother destroyed it.This will mentioned a child that would be born later;this was Oliver,the child you met later by accident.You noticed his resemblance to your father and you became suspicious.You the n went back to his birthplace,found proof of his birth and the fact that he’s your half-brother,and destroyed that proof.’
| “在以前我不能,”布朗洛先生站了起来,说,“可现在我能。本来有一份遗嘱,但你的母亲毁了它。这份遗嘱里提到了一个就要出生的孩子;这就是奥利弗,也就是你后来偶然碰到的那个孩子。你发现他长得像你的父亲,起了疑心。后来你去了他的出生地,找到了能证实他是你异母弟弟的证据,然后又销毁了这一证据。”
Monks sat in silence,his eyes filled with fear.
| 蒙克斯一声不吭地坐在那里,眼睛里充满了惊恐。
‘Yes,’continued Mr Brown low fiercely, ‘shadows on the wall have caught your whispers with Fagin,and brought the m to my ear.For the sake of that innocent child,whom you wanted to destroy.And now murder had been done,and you are as guilty of that as if you had struck the blow yourself!’
| “是的,”布朗洛先生继续狠狠地说道,“墙上的影子窃听到了你和费金的私语,并把你们的谈话内容带给了我。为了你想毁掉的这个无辜的孩子,现在已然发生谋杀案了,你的罪过就如同你亲手杀了人一样严重!”
‘No,no,’said Monks quickly. ‘I knew nothing of that.Nothing at all.’He was silent for a while,realizing how much was known about him.Hatred and fear fought inside him,but he was a coward at heart.At last,seeing no escape,he raised his head. ‘I will admit everything-in front of witnesses,if necessary.’
| “不,不,”蒙克斯赶忙说道,“我对此事一无所知,什么也不知道。”他沉默了一会儿,意识到别人已对他了解得太多了。在他内心深处,仇恨和恐惧针锋相对地斗争着,但实际上他是个胆小鬼。最后,他看到无法逃脱,便抬起头,说:“我愿承认所有的一切——如果有必要的话,面对证人承认我的所作所为。”
Mr Brown low nodded coldly. ‘I will prepare a document for you to sign.You must give Oliver what is really his,and the n you can go where you please.’
| 布朗洛先生冷冷地点了点头。“我会准备一份文件,让你签名。你必须给奥利弗本该属于他的一切,完事后你随便去哪儿都行。”
At that moment Dr Losberne rushed into the room. ‘The murderer will be taken tonight!His dog’s been found.’
| 正在这时,罗斯伯恩医生冲进房来,说:“今天晚上杀人犯要抓到了!已经发现了他的狗。”
‘And Fagin?’asked Mr Brown low .
| “费金呢?”布朗洛先生问道。
‘They’re sure of him.They may have him already.’
| “他们满有把握抓到他。说不定已经抓到了。”
Mr Brown low turned back to Monks. ‘Have you made up your mind?’
| 布朗洛先生转身对蒙克斯说:“你想好了吗?”
‘Yes,’replied Monks. ‘And you promise-it’ll remain a secret?No police,or charges of fraud against me?’
| “想好了。”蒙克斯答道。“你保证——不把这事公诸于众吗?保证警察不来麻烦我?没人控诉我犯了欺诈罪?”
‘Yes,’said Mr Brown low . ‘You have my promise.For now,you must remain here,locked in this room.I will come for you tomorrow evening and take you to sign a confession in front of witnesses.’
| “是的,”布朗洛先生说,“我保证。现在你必须待在这儿,锁在这间屋里。明天晚上我来找你,带你去当着证人的面签个自白书。”
Mr Brown low the n left the room with the doctor,and They eagerly discussed the news of the hunt for the criminals. ‘My blood boils with anger,’said Mr Brown low . ‘This poor murdered girl must be revenged.You stay here and guard Monks.I’ll go out and get the latest news.’
| 布朗洛先生说完便和医生离开了房间,他们急切地讨论着追捕罪犯的事。“我真是太气愤了,血液都沸腾了,”布朗洛先生说。“我们一定要为这个被谋杀的可怜姑娘报仇。你在这儿看着蒙克斯,我出去探探消息。”
The two men parted,each in a fever of excitement.Down by the river Thames was a district called Rotherhithe ,one of the dirtiest and roughest places in London.The houses next to the river had no owners;They were broken down and ruined,but could be defended against attack.In an upper room of one of the se houses,were three members of Fagin’s gang.
| 两人分手了,都非常兴奋、狂热。泰晤士河岸边有个叫做罗瑟海斯的地区,这是伦敦最肮脏、治安最差的地区之一。河边的房子都没有主人,已破败不堪,近似废墟,但仍能用来据守顽抗。费金匪帮的三个成员就聚集在这里的一幢房子楼上的屋里。
‘When was Fagin taken,the n?’asked the man called Toby.
| “费金是什么时候被抓住的?”名叫托比的男人问道。
‘Two o’clock this afternoon.Charley and I escaped up the chimney,but Noah was caught.Bet went to see Nancy and when she saw the body,she started screaming and wouldn’t stop.She’s been taken to hospital.’
| “今天下午两点钟。查理和我是钻烟囱逃走的,但诺厄被抓获了。蓓丝去看南希,看见尸体后,高声尖叫不止。人们将她送进了医院。”
‘What’s happened to Charley Bates?’
| “查理·贝茨怎么样了?”
‘He’ll come here when it’s dark.It’s too dangerous now.’
| “天黑后他会来这儿。现在太危险了。”
‘We’re in trouble,’said Toby. ‘Fagin’s going to hang-that’s certain.’
| “我们遇到麻烦了,”托比说,“费金要被处绞刑,这是肯定的。”
‘You should have seen him when he was caught,’said another robber. ‘The police carried him through the crowd while all the people jumped at him,screaming and trying to attack him.’
| “你该看到他被捉时的情况。”另一名强盗说。“警察带他从人群中穿过时,所有的人都冲向他,大叫大嚷,要打他。”
Suddenly Sikes’ dog ran into the room.All the robbers rushed out immediately to look for Sikes,but the re was no sign of him.They returned to the upstairs room.
| 突然,赛克斯的狗跑进了屋里。所有的强盗都立即飞跑出去找赛克斯,但外面没有他的踪迹。他们回到楼上的房间里。
‘I hope he’s not coming here,’said Toby.
| 托比说:“我希望他别来这儿。”
‘The dog’s come a long way,’said another man. ‘Covered in mud,and tired out.’
| 另一个男人说:“这狗走了很长一段路,全身是泥,已疲惫不堪了。”
They sat the re in silence,wondering where Sikes was.It was already dark when They heard a sudden,hurried knock at the door downstairs.
| 他们默默地坐在那儿,猜想着赛克斯会到哪儿去了。当他们突然听到楼下一阵急促的敲门声时,天已经黑了。
Toby went to the window to look down,the n pulled his head back in,his face pale with fear.The re was no need to tell tlec others who it was.
| 托比走到窗口向下看了看,缩回头来,脸吓得煞白。不用说,其余的人也知道楼下是谁了。
‘We must let him in,’said Toby,although none of the m wanted to see him.Toby went down to the door and returned,followed by sikes.White-faced,with a three-day-old beard,hollow cheeks and staring eyes,Sikes looked like a ghost.No one said a word.
| “我们得让他进来。”托比说,但其实谁也不想见他。托比下楼开门,回来时后面跟着赛克斯。赛克斯脸色惨白,三天未刮胡子,两腮深陷,两眼发直,活像个幽灵。屋里没人吭声。
‘Nothing to say to me?’Sikes asked.
| “也不跟我说点什么吗?”赛克斯问。
The only answer was a low shout of many voices from outside in the distance,coming closer.Lights appeared.Looking out,Sikes saw a stream of people crossing the bridge towards the m.The n the re was a loud knocking on the door and more shouts from the crowd.
| 仅有的回答就是门外远处传来的许多人低沉的喊叫声,而且这声音越来越近。接着又出现了灯光。赛克斯向外张望,看到一股人流正过桥向他们走来。然后是咚咚的敲门声和人群大喊大叫的声音。
‘The doors are made of metal and They’re locked and chained,’said Toby.The three robbers watched Sikes nervously,as if he were a wild animal.
| “这些门是金属的,而且锁得很结实,用链子拴住了。”托比说。三个强盗紧张地看着赛克斯,好像他是个野兽。
‘Bring a ladder!’shouted some of the crowd below.
| “拿个梯子来!”底下的人群中有人喊道。
‘Give me a rope,quick,’Sikes said to the others. ‘I’ll go the other way,climb down the back and escape over the river.Get me a rope-now!Or I’ll do three more murders!’
| “给我根绳子,快点,”赛克斯对其余的人说,“我走另一条路,从后面爬下去,过河逃跑。给我绳子——快点!不然,我会再干掉三个人!”
A minute later,Sikes appeared on the roof and the shouts from the crowd below swelled to a great roar.The n the front door was smashed down and people streamed into the house.Sikes quickly tied the rope around the chimney,the n began to tie the other end around himself,ready to lower himself to the ground behind the house.But just as he put the rope over his head,he screamed in terror and threw his arms above his head.He staggered back,slipped and fell over the edge of the roof.As he fell,the rope tightened around his neck with a horrible jerk.In a second the murderer was dead,and the re he hung,his body swinging gently from side to side.The dog,which had followed its master onto the roof,jumped down towards the lifeless body,missed,and fell dead on the stones below.
| 一分钟以后,赛克斯出现在屋顶上,下面人群的喊声越来越高,简直成了吼叫声。然后前门被撞垮,人们拥进房子。赛克斯迅速把绳子的一头系在烟囱上,开始把另一头往自己身上系,准备将自己顺到房后的地面上。但正当他把绳圈往头上套时,他惊恐地叫起来,双手向上猛伸。他趔趄着往后一退,脚下一滑,从屋顶的边缘掉了下去。他往下掉时,绳子死死地套住了他的脖子,猛地一拉。刹那间,这杀人犯死了,挂在那儿,尸体轻轻地左右摇晃。那条跟着主人爬上屋顶的狗,朝着断了气的尸体跳过去,没抓住,掉在下面的石头上摔死了。
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