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5 Oliver's life changes
| 5 奥利弗的生活变了
Oliver was taken to the nearest police station. The officer at the gate looked at the boy. 'Another young thief, eh? 'He turned to the old gentleman, 'Are you the person who was robbed, sir? '
| 奥利弗被带进了最近的警察局。门口的一位警官盯着这孩子。“嗬!又是一个小贼?”他扭头向老先生问道,“先生,您就是被盗人吗?”
'Yes, I am, 'replied the old gentleman, 'but I'm not sure that this boy actually took the hand kerchief. I don't really want to take him to court. '
| “是我,”老先生回答,“但我不敢说他就是偷了我手帕的那个孩子。我并不真想把他带到法庭上来。”
'Too late. He must go before the magistrate now. '
| “太晚了,他必须现在就去见治安推事。”
Oliver was locked in a small stone cell, which was disgustingly dirty and smelly As the key turned in the lock, the old gentleman said to himself thoughtfully, 'The re's something in that boy's face… He could be innocent. Where have I seen someone like him before? 'After thinking about this for a few minutes, he said, 'No; it must be imagination. 'He sighed unhappily, and began reading the book again.
| 奥利弗被锁进了一个石砌的小牢房,牢房里脏极了,气味令人作呕。钥匙在门锁里转动的那一瞬间,老先生若有所思地自言自语道:“这孩子的表情好像意味着什么……他有可能是无辜的,我曾经在什么地方见过这么一个孩子呢?”他琢磨了一会儿,说:“不,这一定是我想像的。”他可惜地叹了口气,又接着看他的书。
Some time later, the officer touched his shoulder and told him that the court was ready. A magistrate was a judge who dealt with small crimes in local courts, and the magistrate for this district was well known. His name was Mr Fang and he was a disagreeable, bad-tempered man. Today he was in a particularly bad mood. He frowned angrily at the old gentleman, and asked sharply,
| 过了一会儿,警官拍了拍他的肩膀说,法庭已经准备就序,担任审判官的是一位治安推事,治安推事主要是在地方法庭处理一些小的犯罪案。这位推事在他所管辖的区域里是很有名气的,他的名字叫范先生。他是个脾气很坏、难以相处的人。特别是今天,他的心情极为不佳,他紧皱着眉头,生气地朝老头厉声问道:
'Who are you? '
| “你是什么人?”
'My name, sir, is Brown low . '
| “先生,我的名字叫布朗洛。”
'Officer! What is this man charged with? '
| “警官!这人被控什么罪名?”
'He's not charged, sir, 'answered the officer. 'He's accusing the boy. '
| “推事,他没有被控什么,”警官回答说,“他是这孩子的指控人。”
The magistrate looked at Mr Brown low from head to foot. 'And what have you got to say? '
| 推事将布朗洛从头到脚地打量了一番,说:“你有什么要说的吗?”
Mr Brown low began to explain. 'I was standing outside a book shop—'
| 布朗洛先生开始解释,“我正站在一家书店的外面——”
'Be quiet, sir! 'shouted Mr Fang. 'Policeman! Now-you arrested the boy. What happened? '
| “安静,先生!”范先生大声地说,“警察!刚才——是你逮捕了这孩子,因为什么事?”
The policeman told the magistrate what he had heard, and how he had searched Oliver afterwards and found nothing.
| 警察向推事报告了他所听到的事情,以及经过搜身什么也没发现的情况。
'Are the re any witnesses? 'asked the magistrate.
| “有证人吗?”推事问。
'None, 'answered the policeman.
| “没有。”警察回答道。
Mr Fang the n turned to Mr Brown low and angrily told him to describe what had happened. Mr Brown low explained that he had run after the boy only because he saw him running away. He did not think that the boy was the actual thief and he hoped that the boy would not be punished. 'He's been hurt already, 'he added, 'and now I'm afraid he's very ill. '
| 范先生转向布朗洛先生,生气地命令他讲述事情发生的经过。布朗洛先生说,他追赶这孩子主要是因为他看见这孩子在跑开。但他认为这孩子并不是那真正偷东西的小偷,他希望这孩子不要受到惩罚。“他已经受到了伤害,”他又说,“恐怕他现在病得很厉害。”
'I don't believe that for a moment, 'said Mr Fang unpleasantly. He turned to Oliver. 'Come now, don't try any clever tricks with me! What's your name? 'he demanded.
| “我一点也不相信这些,”范先生不高兴地说。他转向奥利弗。“过来,别跟我耍花招,你叫什么名字?”他问道。
Oliver tried to reply, but he was too weak to speak. He was deadly pale, and he felt the room spinning round him. At last he managed to whisper a request for water, but the magistrate refused angrily. Suddenly, Oliver fainted and fell to the floor.
| 奥利弗想张口说话,可他虚弱得连话都说不出了。他的脸色苍白得要命,他觉得屋子在眼前旋转着。终于,他勉强低声地请求要喝水,但被推事愤怒地拒绝了。突然,奥利弗昏倒在地上。
Mr Fang stared at him angrily. 'Guilty. Three months 'prison, 'he said immediately. 'Let him lie the re. He'll soon be tired of that. 'Mr Fang stood up. 'This court is now closed. '
| 范先生生气地凝视着他。“有罪,判监禁三个月。”他马上说,“就让他躺在这儿,他不久就累了,自己会起来。”范先生站了起来:“审判现在结束。”
At that moment a man in an old black coat rushed in. 'Stop! 'he shouted. 'Don't take the boy away. I saw it all. I'm the book shop owner. '
| 就在这时,一个身穿黑色长外套的男人跑了进来。“等等!”他大声喊着,“别把这孩子带走。事情经过我都看见了。我是书店的老板。”
Mr Fang's face was black with anger at this unexpected interruption, but the book shop owner demanded to be heard. He described exactly what had really happened. He had seen two boys steal the hand kerchief and the n run away, leaving Oliver to be arrested.
| 因为这意想不到的打扰,范先生的脸气得发黑。书店老板要求法官听他的陈述,他确切述说了事情的真实情况。他看见两个男孩偷了手帕,然后就逃走了,将奥利弗留下来当了替罪羊。
In a final burst of bad temper, Mr Fang said that his time had been wasted. He announced that Oliver was innocent, and ordered everybody out of the court.
| 范先生最后一次大发脾气,声称他的时间完全浪费了。他宣布奥利弗无罪,并命令所有人退出法庭。
The order was obeyed, and as Mr Brown low turned to go down the street, he saw Oliver lying on the pavement, shaking, his face as white as death.
| 命令得到了执行。布朗洛先生转身沿着马路往前走时,看见奥利弗躺在人行道上,全身颤抖着,脸惨白得像死人一样。
'Poor boy! Poor boy! 'said Mr Brown low , bending over him. He called a coach quickly, laid Oliver on the seat, and drove away.
| “可怜的孩子!可怜的孩子!”布朗洛先生说着俯下身去看他。他赶快叫来了一辆马车,让奥利弗躺在座位上,他们便坐着马车离开了。
The coach stopped at a neat house in a quiet, shady street in north London. Oliver was gently carried in to a bed, and received more care and kindness than he had ever had in his life. But he had a fever, and for many days he lay the re unconscious. When he eventually awoke, weak, thin and pale, he looked anxiously around the room.
| 在伦敦北部一条绿树成荫的街道上的一座整洁的房屋前,马车停了下来。奥利弗被轻轻地抬进去安置在一张床上,在这里他得到了一生中从未有过的关心和爱护。可是他仍发着烧,几天几夜不省人事。当他最终醒来时,他全身虚弱无力,脸色苍白。他不安地四下打量着屋子。
'What room is this? Where am I? 'he said. 'This is not the place I fell asleep in. '
| “这是什么地方?我在哪儿?”他说,“这不是我睡着时的地方。”
Mrs Bed win, the motherly old housekeeper, heard his words, and instantly came to him. 'Hush—be quiet, my dear, or you'll be ill again. Lie down. '
| 贝德温太太是一位像慈母一样的女管家,听见他在说话,赶紧来到了他身边。“别说话——要安静!宝贝,不然的话你还会生病的。躺下。”
He lay down, and woke up again much later. After a while, he was able to sit up in a chair, although he was still too weak to walk. In this new position he could see a picture of a woman hanging on the wall opposite. 'Who is that, madam? 'he asked the old housekeeper.
| 他躺下来,又睡了很久才醒来。过了一段时间,他可以在椅子上坐着了,但他还是虚弱得不能走路。坐起来后,他能看见一个年轻女人的画像挂在对面的墙上。“太太,她是谁?”他问年老的女管家。
'I don't know, my dear. Do you like it? '
| “我也不知道,亲爱的,你喜欢这张画像吗?”
'The eyes look so sad, and They seem to be staring at me. As if the person was alive, and wanted to speak to me but couldn't. '
| “她一双眼睛很悲哀,好像在盯着我看。她像个真人,想跟我说点什么,可又说不出。”
'You're weak and nervous after your illness, 'Mrs Bed win said kindly. 'Don't worry about things like that. '
| “你刚生了病,身体很虚弱,精神不稳定,”贝德温太太友善地说,“别为这些事感到不安。”
Later that day Mr Brown low came in, having heard that the boy was a little better at last. He was delighted to see that Oliver could sit up. But when he saw Oliver's face clearly, Mr Brown low stared hard at him.
| 那天晚些时候,听说孩子终于稍稍好些了,布朗洛先生走了进来。他很高兴看见奥利弗能坐起来了。布朗洛先生看清了这孩子的长相时,便目不转睛地盯着他看。
'I hope you're not angry with me, sir, 'said Oliver anxiously.
| “我希望您不会是生我的气,先生,”奥利弗不安地说道。
'No, no. Not in the least, 'he replied. The n he turned to the housekeeper. 'But look, Mrs Bed win, look the re! 'He pointed to the picture of the woman above Oliver's head and the n to the boy's face. It was a living copy of the picture; even the expression was the same. Oliver did not understand what was happening. He was so alarmed by Mr Brown low 's excitement that he fainted once more.
| “不,不,绝对不是,”他说道,然后又转向女管家。“你看,贝德温太太,看这儿!”他指着挂在奥利弗床头上方的女人画像,然后又指指男孩子的脸。后者简直是画像活生生的翻版,就连表情都一样。奥利弗不知道发生了什么事,他被布朗洛先生的激动不已搞得惶惶然,结果又昏了过去。
The Dodger and Charley Bates had left the crowd which was chasing Oliver as soon as They could. They went back to their house through the narrow streets, using a complicated route in case anyone was following the m. Once They were safely away from other people, Charley Bates rolled on the ground and laughed and laughed.
| 神偷和查理·贝茨两人尽快地离开了追赶奥利弗的人群,他们是走在一条很窄的街道上回到他们的房子去的,采用了非常复杂的路线,以免被人跟踪。一等到安全地远离人群了,查理·贝茨就倒在地上打着滚笑个没完没了。
'Ha! Ha! Ha! When I saw Oliver running away so fast, round all the corners, bumping into walls… and all the time I had the hand kerchief in my pocket… Ha! Ha! Ha! '
| “哈!哈!哈!我看见奥利弗跑得那么快,绕过那么多街角,撞在了墙上……这手帕却一直在我兜里……哈!哈!哈!”
'But what'll Fagin say? 'asked the Dodger.
| “可是费金会怎么说呢?”神偷问。
'What do you mean? '
| “你这是什么意思?”
The Dodger said nothing more but led Charley Bates into the house and up the stairs. When Fagin saw the m enter, he rose to his feet.
| 神偷没再说什么,领着查理·贝茨进了屋,上了楼。费金见他们回来了,就站了起来。
'Where's Oliver? 'he asked the m furiously.
| “奥利弗呢?”他勃然大怒地问。
The two boys looked uneasily at each other, but said nothing. Fagin took hold of the Dodger's collar and shook him violently. 'Tell me or I'll kill you! '
| 两个孩子不安地互相看着,什么也不说。费金抓住神偷的衣领拼命地摇晃着他。“告诉我,不然的话我会杀了你的!”
The Dodger slid out of his coat in one smooth movement, leaving Fagin holding only the empty coat. 'The police have got him, 'he said reluctantly. He looked round for a weapon to fight with, but Fagin already had a heavy metal pot in his hand .He threw it hard at the Dodger, but missed and hit Charley Bates, who started to shout with fear.
| 神偷以一个非常娴熟的动作从衣服里滑了出来,使费金手里只攥着一件空衣服。“警察把他抓走了。”他不情愿地说,并四下里扫视着,想找一件武器来抵挡。可费金早已将一只重重的铁锅拿在了手里,并使劲地朝神偷扔过去,锅没打着他,却打在了查理·贝茨的身上。他吓得叫喊起来。
Suddenly, all this noise and confusion was silenced by a deep voice at the door.
| 顿时,这些声音和混乱被门口一个低沉的声音喝住。
'What the devil's going on here? 'the voice demanded.
| “见鬼,这儿到底发生了什么事?”这声音问道。
The owner of the voice was a big man of about thirty-five in a black coat and very dirty trousers, with a brown hat on his head and a dirty hand kerchief around his neck. He also had a three-day-old beard. A white dog with torn ears followed him into the room. The man kicked the dog into a corner and looked round at the signs of battle.
| 说话的是一个身材高大、年龄在三十五岁左右的人,他穿了一件黑外衣和一条很脏的裤子,头上戴了一顶棕色的帽子,一条脏围巾系在脖子上。他脸上的胡子三天没刮了。跟他进来的还有一只白色的小狗,耷拉着两只受了伤的耳朵。这人把小狗一脚踢到了房子的角落里,然后看着屋里争斗的痕迹。
'Are They trying to murder you, Fagin? I would if I was the m. I'd have done it long ago. Now, give me some beer, and don't poison it. '
| “他们想杀了你吗,费金?如果我是他们,我也会的。我早就想干这事了。给我来点啤酒,别往里搁毒药。”
It was said as a joke, but if the man had seen the evil look on Fagin's face, he might have thought the warning was a necessary one.
| 这好像是个玩笑,可假如那人看到了费金脸上邪恶的表情,他会认为这种警告是必要的。
Fagin produced some beer, and as the fight appeared to be over, everybody sat down. In the conversation that followed, Fagin told the newcomer that Oliver had been caught by the police. 'I'm afraid, Mr Sikes, 'he said, 'the boy may say something which will get us into trouble. '
| 费金拿出了一些啤酒,争斗好像平息了,大家又都坐了下来。费金跟刚才进来的人聊着天,说奥利弗被警察抓起来了。“赛克斯先生,”他说,“我怕这孩子会说些给我们带来麻烦的话。”
'Very likely, 'said Bill Sikes, smiling unkindly. 'You'vegot problems, Fagin. '
| “很可能。”比尔·赛克斯不怀好意地笑着说,“你遇上麻烦了,费金。”
'And I'm afraid, 'added Fagin, ignoring Sikes' remark, 'that if we're in trouble, the n a lot of other people will be in trouble too, if you understand me, my dear, '
| “我还怕,”费金并不在意赛克斯说的话,接着说,“假如我们遇到了麻烦,许多其他的人也会受到连累的,如果你能听懂我的话,亲爱的。”
Sikes turned angrily towards the old man. The re was a silence. The n Sikes said, 'Somebody must find out what's happened. If he hasn't said anything yet, we must catch him when he leaves the police station. '
| 赛克斯生气地转向老头,谁也不吭声了。然后,赛克斯说道:“应该有人去弄清楚情况怎么样了,如果他还什么都没说出来,在他出警察局后我们必须把他抓回来。”
Fagin nodded. But the re was a difficulty. None of the m wanted to go anywhere near a Police station. The problem was solved with the arrival of the two young ladies whom Oliver had met one evening in Fagin's house.
| 费金连连点头。可现在有一个困难,没人愿意到警察局附近去。这个难题随着两位年轻姑娘的到来而解决了。她们就是奥利弗曾在费金的屋里见到过的两个女孩。
'Nancy, my dear, 'Fagin said. He smiled sweetly at one of The young ladies. 'Can you go to find out what's happened to Oliver? '
| “南希,我亲爱的,”费金冲着一位女孩甜蜜蜜地笑着说,“你能不能去看看奥利弗现在怎么样了?”
The young lady answered calmly, 'No, I won't. '
| 这女孩冷静地回答说:“不,我不去。”
'You're the only one here that the police in this district don't know, 'said Sikes. 'She'll go, Fagin. '
| “你是我们这儿警察唯一不认识的人。”赛克斯说。“她会去的,费金。”
'No, 'repeated Nancy.
| “不。”南希重复了一遍。
'Yes, she will, Fagin. 'Sikes was right. With a mixture of threats and promises, he soon persuaded Nancy to go.
| “是的,她会去的,费金。”赛克斯说对了,他连威吓带许诺,很快就说服了南希去做这件事。
She set off at once, and at the police station pretended to be a shy, frightened girl. 'Is my poor little brother Oliver here? 'she asked the officer with the keys.
| 她立刻就出发了,在警察局里她装做一个非常害羞和胆小的女孩。“我可怜的弟弟奥利弗在这儿吗?”她问一位手里拿了一串钥匙的警官。
'He's not here, 'the officer replied. 'The gentleman's got him. '
| “他不在这儿,”警官说,“那位先生把他带走了。”
'The gentleman? Oh no! What gentleman? 'cried Nancy, very upset.
| “那位先生?噢,不,哪位先生?”南希非常伤心地哭了。
The policeman explained that Oliver had become ill, and the old gentleman had taken him to his house in the Pentonville district of north London. Nancy, still looking terribly upset, left the station, and hurried back to Fagin's house with this news. As soon as he heard it, Sikes called his white dog, put on his hat and left without saying goodbye to anyone.
| 这位警官向她解释说,奥利弗病倒了,老先生将他带到他在伦敦北部本顿维尔区的家里去了。南希看上去仍然很难过,她离开警察局,带着这个消息马上回到了费金的家。一听到这个消息,赛克斯叫上他的白狗,戴上帽子,没跟任何人打招呼就离开了。
'We must find him, 'Fagin said urgently to the rest of the m. 'No one can stay here—it's too dangerous now. All of you—walk around Pentonville and keep your ears open. Don't come back until you have some news of Oliver! If you can, kidnap him! We've got to keep him quiet before he starts talking about us to his new friends. '
| “我们必须找到他,”费金急切地跟剩下的人说,“现在谁都不许留在这儿——这里太危险了。你们全部——到本顿维尔去转悠,竖起你们的耳朵。得不到奥利弗的消息你们就别回来!如果可能的话,把他给我绑架回来!在他跟新朋友谈论我们之前,我们要封住他的嘴。”
With the se words, he pushed the m all from his room and double-locked the door behind the m. The n he took out his hidden box and very carefully hid all the watches and the jewellery beneath his clothe s.
| 说完这番话,他将屋里所有的人都推了出去,并在房门上又加了一道锁,然后拿出了藏着的小盒子,将所有手表和珠宝饰物都小心翼翼地藏在了衣服里面。
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